Annual Dinner 2014 Highlights

We held the 2014 Annual Dinner on Thursday, October 16. It was a rainy night but moods were high, and everybody enjoyed the company of teachers and old classmates alike.

Read on for the highlights of the night, and to browse all the photos! (Apologies for the late posting as yours truly was on a trip out of the country for a while.)

Our fearless VP Billy started off with a report on the finances; unfortunately our books are in the red due to on-going expenses and a drop in membership.

As usual, Martin was given the mic to talk about our various sports activities this year. We were told how badly we need new blood in the soccer team. If you love soccer, or know any Raimondians or family members who do, encourage them to join us! During one of the soccer matches in this year’s tournament, we got into a quarrel with Salesian, and the referee ended up calling off the match. Never fear; next year we will beat them on the field for sure. Also, Anthony reported on the table tennis tournament. We did better than last year, finishing second last in the rankings. Here’s hoping for even better results next year.

Bryan reported on the re-design of this web site, and the savings in hosting fees by moving to a more economical service provider. He also announced our official Facebook page. Please like us, and share our news on your walls!

Raymond plugged the weekly badminton meet; spaces are still available so please join us!

Derek started a fundraising campaign to sponsor entertainment for the night. Billy stepped up to the challenge and crooned beautifully. His performance collected more than $190 in donations, and our books are no longer in the red!

Sunny reported on his runs for charity, and announced that committee members Vincent, Billy and Derek have all picked up running. Billy came to the stage (again) and discussed the benefits of running. Vincent and Billy would be participating in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon; and Vincent is apparently going to qualify for Boston marathon next year. Well done!

We were introduced to two new members, John Chan and Frankie Cheng, who were class mates and ended up meeting again in Toronto. Welcome to the club!

President Grant polled the membership on whether Thursday was a good choice of week day for dinners. It was unanimously confirmed. So, see you on a Thursday night some time next year!

Thanks to Ken Quan for some of the photos.

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