All posts by Bryan '92

Summer BBQ 2012!

Spring has come and, here in Canada, summer is not far away! This year, our summer BBQ will be held on Sunday, June 24. Our Social Convenor, Raymond, has come up with a beautiful flyer to advertise the event (click the image below for larger version). Help spread the news!

Date: Sunday, June 24
Time: 12:00pm—5:00pm
Place: Wilket Creek Park Area 5 (Eglinton and Leslie)
Fee: Adult $15; free for kids under 12

Please join us and enjoy this outdoor activity with family and friends by emailing Raymond. Deadline for registration is June 8. See you at the Park!

Upcoming Annual Dinner 2012

Looking forward to meeting your fellow alumni? Your chance is almost here, as our annual dinner is coming up!

Date: Friday, March 2, 2012
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Asian Cuisine Restaurant
Unit 105-106, 9021 Leslie Street, Richmond Hill
Cost: Raimondian: $25 (+$10 membership fee)
Spouse: $25
Kids under 10: $15

Please contact Raymond by February 10 to confirm your participation and the number of seats. If you know Raimondians who have not received this invitation, please feel free to ask them to join the dinner as well. If you reserve seats as a group, please let us know all the participants’ names.