On November 21, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting our Semi-Annual Alumni Dinner at Purple Orchid Seafood Cuisine (紫蘭軒), Richmond Hill. Attended by approximately 40 enthusiastic alumni and esteemed teachers, the evening was a resounding success, filled with laughter, memories, and the spirit of camaraderie. Some photos are shared below.
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Alumni Fall Dinner Y2024
You are invited to our RAA Toronto fall dinner gathering and meet our teachers and Raimondian.
Date and time: Nov 21 (Thur) at 7 pm
Venue: Purple Orchid Restaurant 紫蘭軒
Address: 270 West Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Y9 (Hwy7 + Leslie; previous 黃金閣 location)
Fee: $65/ person for Raimondian or guest
Teachers: free of charge
To help arranging the event efficiently and effectively, please pre-paid your payment through Interac e-transfer to events@raimondicollege.ca before Nov 1. Please include your Name and email/ phone number in the e-transfer “Note” for our tracking.
(You can refer to this youtube link to learn more about Interac e-transfer.)
If you have difficulty in doing Interac e-transfer, you can drop off your cheque (payable to “Raimondi College Old Boys Association”) at our legal advisor’s office at below address. Please also include a note to indicate your Name and email/ phone number.
Sunny Ho’s Law Office, 15 Wertheim Court, Suite 801, Richmond Hill
Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us at email membership@raimondicollege.ca
Looking forward to see you that day.