Category Archives: Activities

Our next webinar: “Fall Prevention”

The committe is hosting our second  free webinar for RAA Toronto members on June 29 (Wed) 8pm EST. It is a health and safety topic “Fall Prevention”, which would benefit you and your family.

We shall be sending out invitation emails to all members shortly,  including the presenter bio and webinar login details. You can also send your request to us by filling in the form below. Webinar login information will then be sent to the email address provided.

Looking forward to meet you on June 29.

NOTE: Login capacity is limited, and we reserve the right to confirm  RAA member information during login.

Join our first Webinar 「南美有咩好玩」!

The committe is hosting the first  free webinar for our Raimonidians in Toronto on Sept 29 (Tue) 8pm EST. The topic is 「南美有咩好玩」 .

We shall be sending out emails to all members on our contact list in the next few days, including the presenter information and details on joining the webinar online. If you do not receive the email by end of Sept 17, you can send your request to us by filling in the form below. We will send the login information to the email address provided.

Please join and stay connected with other Raimondians. Your support and participation is crucial to us in arranging more webinars in future.


To get Raimondians connected in the time of pandemic, we are considering to arrange webinars (online seminars) for information sharing. Your support and participation is vital to make it a success.

At this stage, we would like to do a small survey collecting information for planning. Please fill in the survey below and clikc “Submit”. Two minutes of your time will greatly help us to arrange something you like.