Ginseng & Winery Tour 花旗參及酒莊一天遊

Date: 10/15 (Sunday) 星期日
Departure time & place: 7:45 am Time Square 時代廣場
Return time & place: 7:30 pm Time Square 時代廣場

每位 $50 per person
Under Age 8 (8歲以下) $40
Under Age 2 (2歲以下) Free 免費
(Lunch & special soup, tips & taxes included 包午餐、小費及稅)

Please contact Billy Yip (416-520-8330 or email for RSVP by Sept 15 前報名

Welcome to invite your family and friends to join us!

7:45 am Gathering at Times Square Richmond Hill
8:00 am Bus departure at Times Square
9:00 am Pumpkin Apple Farm 南瓜蘋果園
11:15 am Ginseng Farm 大山行花旗參農場
12:00 noon Ginseng Warehouse (Lunch, special soup; ginseng info & products)
2:00 pm Departure from Warehouse
3:15 pm Outlet Collection Niagara (DROP OFF for those who are not going to the winery)
3:35 pm Winery 1
4:30 pm Winery 2
5:30 pm Outlet Collection Niagara (PICKUP to return to Time Square)
7:00 – 7:30 pm Back to Times Square

RAA gathering and video/photo shooting

Want to show up in the upcoming Raimondi 60th anniversary dinner in Hong Kong? RAA committee can help!

Mr. Adolph Chan (President of Raimondi Alumni Association Hong Kong), accompanying by Mr. Sam Tang and Mr. Anthony Cheung, will be visiting Toronto in July. The RAA Toronto committee would like to arrange a gathering for all Raimondians and teachers in Toronto to meet them. Video and photo will be shot during the session, which will be included in Fr. Carra documentary and be presented in the coming 60th anniversary dinner in Hong Kong.

There will be 2 gathering sessions on July 8 (Saturday).
1st session: 4pm – 7pm (free of charge)
2nd session: 7pm – 9pm ($10/person; dinner included)

RAA Toronto President, Mr. Grant Chow, is very kind to arrange his office as the gathering venue.

Secure-Link Insurance Group
3570 Victoria Park Ave Suite 100,
Toronto, ON M2H 3S2
(entrance on Tempo Ave)

Click here for map

For better logistics planning and dinner arrangement, we would appreciate you to register which session you are coming by completing the form below.
“All hail to thee beloved school.” We hope to see you all drop by on July 8.

Spring Dinner 2017 a huge success

The Spring Dinner was a huge success, with the biggest turn-out in recent years. It was great to see some new faces join our ranks! We hope to see an even bigger crowd at our next gathering. Read more to see the photos from that night. Many thanks to fellow old boy Bernard Woo, teacher Ms. Ho’s husband James, as well as President Grant for serving as event photographers.
Continue reading Spring Dinner 2017 a huge success