If you missed our last webinar “Fall Prevention”, you can watch it again with the following recorded video. We would like to thanks our presenter Tiffany Hsieh (professional Occupation Therapist) again for her presentation and her consensus to share the video.
2019.3.14: 高主教書院校史館: 開幕禮 ver 1
座落在香港高主教書院B座頂層的校史館,經籌備約1年半, 於2019年3月14日, 由天主教香港教區陳志明神父主持開幕祝聖儀式。
館內收集有關學校及學生歷年富有紀念性物品, 包括學校登記冊,成績表,紀念性刋物/紀念章/物品/衣物, 相片, 書冊等。”
Raimondian Talent Show!
Raimondians are talented entertainers—this video is proof. Want more? Come to our next event!